Wednesday, March 24, 2010

AES March sec 1 orientation camp [3-5 march]

The camp was so fun,i was so tried during the camp the sleepless nights[classmates was snoring!]Too bad we cannot roam around the place like the ghost sighting places,the room beside the dance room,the toilets near the dance room,the toilets near the band room,D and T lab.Some of my classmates says they herd chains dragged around the place but not every one say they herd it.I did not herd any chain though sobs.There were a few game stations to help us make better friends.My class and I had 100 points for every game except Butter hill we did not complete it but we got a 70.100 points was the max you can get in each stations but there where bonus points from people wearing the blue name tags.iがおかしくなりばかな人の手を握っていた!ばか!